The following brochures have been prepared by the OIC for use in claims made against State-administered workers’ compensation claims. The purpose of these brochures is to outline the claims process and the benefits available to injured workers. Brochures that are based on the form used in these OIC brochures are deemed to be approved; private carriers may prepare brochures utilizing their own trade dress, and should modify their brochures as necessary to provide the claimant with accurate contact information and other carrier-specific information.
For example, claimants in OIC-administered claims may choose any physician so long as that physician accepts payment from the OIC-administered funds, whereas there may be limitations regarding the choice of a physician under the managed care organization of a private carrier. Under these circumstances, the brochure used by the private carrier should be modified to reflect information regarding the private carrier’s managed care organization, how a physician is to be selected under that organization, and specific contact information where a claimant may obtain answers to any questions they may have.