Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
Allan L. McVey
Insurance Commissioner
Insurance Rules Index

The rules found on the Insurance Commissioner’s website are provided as a public service only. Although this website is regularly updated, the Insurance Commissioner cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness and disclaims all liability for errors and omissions in the contents.  Additionally, the Insurance Rules Index below lists only active, proposed and emergency rules.  The Insurance Rules Index does not include historic rules that have expired, been repealed or disapproved.  The official version of all Insurance Commissioner rules, including both active and historic rules, is maintained by the West Virginia Secretary of State.  You may also contact our office to obtain a copy of a rule that has expired, been repealed or disapproved.  

Please click here to be taken to the Secretary of State’s website. 

64-89B Credentialing Verification OrganizationLEffective 7/1/12
114-01Proxies, Consents, and Authorizations of Domestic Stock InsurersLEffective 6/30/66
114-02Licensing and Conduct of Insurance Producers and AgenciesLEffective 4/20/12
114-02AFingerprinting Requirements for Applicants for Insurance Producer License and Insurance Adjuster LicenseLEffective 7/1/21
114-03Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Automobile Liability PoliciesLEffective 5/6/05
114-04Insider Trading of Equity Securities of a Domestic Stock Insurance CompanyLEffective 4/16/68
114-05Procedures to be Followed by Fire Rating OrganizationsPEffective 4/18/68
114-06Credit Life Insurance, Credit Accident and Sickness Insurance, and Credit Unemployment InsuranceLEffective 7/1/11
114-07Premium Financing of Life Insurance for College StudentsLEffective 7/1/70
114-08Replacement of Life Insurance Policies and Annuity ContractsLEffective 8/1/08
114-09Mass Marketing of Property and Liability InsuranceLEffective 5/15/72
114-10Advertisement of Accident and Sickness InsuranceLEffective 4/20/73
114-11Advertisement of Life Insurance and AnnuitiesLEffective 8/1/08
114-11ALife Insurance DisclosuresLEffective 8/1/08
114-11BSuitability In Annuity TransactionsLEffective 6/8/23
114-11CLife Insurance IllustrationsLEffective 8/1/08
114-11DVariable Life InsuranceLEffective 7/16/10
114-11EAnnuity DisclosureLEffective 7/23/15
114-12Individual Accident and Sickness Insurance Minimum StandardsLEffective 4/30/99
114-13Rules of Practice and Procedure for Hearings before the West Virginia Insurance CommissionerPEffective 10/29/03
114-14Unfair Trade PracticesLEffective 4/24/06
114-15Examiners and ExaminationsLEffective 7/1/08
114-20Surplus Lines InsuranceLEffective 4/20/12
114-21West Virginia Essential Property Insurance AssociationLEffective 7/1/06
114-22Medical Malpractice Annual Reporting RequirementsLEffective 4/4/88
114-23Medical Malpractice Loss Experience and Loss Expense Annual Reporting RequirementsLEffective 4/8/02
114-24Medicare Supplement InsuranceLEffective 4/1/20
114-25Insurance AdjustersLEffective 7/1/21
114-26Accident and Sickness Rate FilingLEffective 4/16/04
114-27AIDS RegulationsLEffective 4/1/24
114-28Coordination of Health BenefitsLEffective 4/14/10
114-30"Tail" Malpractice Insurance Covering Certain Medical and Allied Health Care ProvidersLEffective 4/3/03
114-32Long-Term Care InsuranceLEffective 7/1/11
114-34Filing Fees for Purchasing Groups, and for Risk Retention Groups not Chartered in this StateLEffective 4/27/94
114-35Insurance Holding Company SystemsLEffective 7/1/12
114-37Substandard Risk Motor Vehicle Insurance Notice RequirementsLEffective 4/2/96
114-38Continuation of Coverage under Automobile Liability PoliciesLEffective 4/22/94
114-39Group Accident and Sickness Insurance Minimum Policy Coverage StandardsLEffective 4/3/03
114-40Credit for ReinsuranceLEffective 7/1/21
114-41Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum RuleLEffective 7/1/11
114-41AProperty and Casualty Actuarial OpinionLEffective 6/10/11
114-42Continuing Education for Individual Insurance Producers and AdjustersLEffective 7/1/22
114-43Health Maintenance OrganizationsLEffective 4/3/96
114-44Minimum Reserve Standards for Individual and Group Health Insurance ContractsLEffective 4/2/96
114-45Recognizing Annuity Mortality Tables for Use in Determining Reserve Liabilities for AnnuitiesLEffective 7/23/15
114-46Filing Procedures for Health Maintenance OrganizationsLEffective 4/2/96
114-48Life and Health Reinsurance AgreementsLEffective 5/16/97
114-53Quality AssuranceLEffective 4/3/03
114-54Group Accident and Sickness Insurance Issuance, Portability and Marketing RequirementsLEffective 4/30/99
114-55Guaranteed Issue of Individual Accident and Sickness InsuranceLEffective 4/30/99
114-56Quality Assurance Standards for Prepaid Limited Health Service OrganizationsLEffective 4/24/00
114-57Privacy of Consumer Financial and Health InformationLEffective 4/8/02
114-59Medical Malpractice Insurance Consent to Rate and Guide "A" Rate AgreementsLEffective 4/3/03
114-60Affidavits of Custodian BanksPEffective 8/25/02
114-61Credit Personal Property InsuranceLEffective 7/1/11
114-62Standards for Safeguarding Consumer InformationLEffective 4/3/03
114-63Standard Motor Vehicle Policy ProvisionsLEffective 4/3/03
114-64Mental Health ParityLEffective 5/1/21
114-65Self-Insurance Pools for Political SubdivisionsLEffective 4/19/11
114-68Valuation of Life Insurance PoliciesLEffective 7/1/11
114-69Recognition of the 2001 CSO Mortality Table For Use In Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture BenefitsLEffective 5/6/05
114-69ARecognition of Preferred Mortality Tables For Use In Determining Minimum Reserve LiabilitiesLEffective 7/1/11
114-70Rebates and ReferralsIEffective 9/25/04
114-71Insurance Fraud PreventionLEffective 5/6/05
114-72Personal Private Passenger Automobile Liability Insurance and Property Insurance Withdrawal Plan ProceduresPEffective 9/25/04
114-74Nonrenewal of Property Insurance PoliciesLEffective 4/24/06
114-76Rules of Practice and Procedure for Administrative Proceedings Brought by Third Party ClaimantsPEffective 4/27/06
114-77Rate Filing Requirements For Title Insurance CompaniesLEffective 4/6/07
114-80Viatical SettlementsLEffective 4/14/10
114-82Military Sales PracticesLEffective 8/1/08
114-83Discount Medical Plan Organizations and Discount Prescription Drug Plan OrganizationsLEffective 5/14/09
114-85Professional Employer OrganizationsLEffective 5/10/11
114-86Preneed Life Insurance Minimum Standards for Determining Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture ValuesLEffective 5/14/09
114-89Use of Senior-Specific Certifications & Professional Designations in the Sale of Life Insurance and AnnuitiesLEffective 7/1/10
114-91Health Maintenance Organization Point Of Service OptionLEffective 7/1/11
114-93Mini COBRALEffective 7/1/12
114-94Workers' Compensation Insurance for State AgenciesLEffective 4/20/12
114-95Utilization Review and Benefit DeterminationLEffective 7/6/14
114-96Health Plan Issuer Internal Grievance ProcedureLEffective 7/6/14
114-97External Review of Issuers' Adverse Health Insurance DeterminationsLEffective 7/6/14
114-98Adoption of Valuation ManualLEffective 7/1/22
114-99Pharmacy Auditing Entities and Pharmacy Benefit ManagersLEffective 4/1/23
114-100Health Benefit Plan Network Access and AdequacyLEffective 4/1/24
114-101Exempt PurchasingPEffective 3/4/21
114-102Term and Universal Life Insurance Reserve FinancingLEffective 7/1/22
114-103Bail Bondsmen in Criminal CasesLEffective 4/1/24