Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
Allan L. McVey
Insurance Commissioner
Surety Insurer Bail Bond Reporting Form

Please report required bond information by the 15th day after each calendar year quarter end.

1st Quarter - Aggregate Bond Liabilities as of March 31; report due to the OIC by April 15.
2nd Quarter - Aggregate Bond Liabilities as of June 30; report due to the OIC by July 15.
3rd Quarter - Aggregate Bond Liabilities as of September 30; report due to the OIC by October 15.
4th Quarter - Aggregate Bond Liabilities as of December 31; report due to the OIC by January 15.

Surety Insurer Bail Bond Quarterly Reporting Form
I state that I have fully read and understand this monthly bail bond statement and that the answers supplied therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I further state that I recognize the applicable insurance laws of the State of West Virginia and the rules and regulations of the West Virginia Insurance Commissioner governing this quarterly statement - Title 114-CSR103.