Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
Allan L. McVey
Insurance Commissioner
Contact Information
  Toll Free 1-888-879-9842 ext 3864
  TTY 1-800-435-7381  
  (304) 558-4966
  WV Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
  ATTN: Consumer Advocate Division 
  PO Box 11685
  Charleston, West Virginia 25339-1685
Physical Address:
  One Players Club Drive, Third Floor
  Charleston, West Virginia 25301
  (Mon-Fri) 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
        Eastern Standard Time
The Office of the Consumer Advocate Division

The Consumer Advocate is mandated to advocate for, and protect, the interest of the West Virginia consumers. The Office of Consumer Advocacy was created July 1, 1991. The West Virginia Legislature authorized the director of the Division to participate as an advocate for the public interest and the interests of insurance consumers in state and federal courts, before administrative agencies, or before the Health Care Authority.

Administrative Hearings
All hearings are before a hearing examiner who is a licensed attorney specially trained in administrative law. The Hearings Examiner will make a recommended decision based on fact and conclusions of law.

The Insurance Commissioner will then issue an order based upon these recommendations.
Request for Representation
Please understand that a request for representation does not guarantee that the Consumer Advocate will accept representation of a consumer’s interests. Upon receipt of a request, the Office of the Consumer Advocate will fully investigate the complaint and carefully consider the request for representation. Then the Office of the Consumer Advocate will notify a consumer in writing of the determination to accept or deny a request for representation. If the Office of the Consumer Advocate denies the request, the hearing will proceed with outside counsel of the consumer’s choice or the consumer may represent themselves. If accepted the Consumer Advocate will aggressively work on behalf of the consumer towards a resolution of the complaint.
Review of Certificate of Need Applications
Copies of all Certificate of Need filings before the Health Care Authority are also filed with the Office of the Consumer Advocate. Each Filing is carefully reviewed by the Office and a decision is made as to what action the Office should take. The Office will participate in selected hearings before the Health Care Authority to represents the public’s interest.
Legal Representation
In West Virginia, a formal complaint can be filed with the West Virginia’s Offices of the Insurance Commissioner’s Consumer Service Division. If a solution can not be reached the Consumer Advocate may provide legal representation on behalf of the consumer at administrative hearings arising from the consumer complaints.
Monitoring the Insurance Industry
This Office protects consumer’s insurance interests by investigating alleged violation of state consumer protection laws, taking appropriate legal action to stop unfair or deceptive practices in the marketplace and promoting consumer education and awareness. The Office works to ensure that consumers are provided with insurance services meeting acceptable standards of quality, equity, and dependability at fair rates by enforcing insurance laws and providing consumer protection awareness. Any suspected violation of West Virginia laws or regulations is forwarded to the Insurance Commissioner for enforcement.