Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
Allan L. McVey
Insurance Commissioner

Licensing and Education Division

Producer Licensing Continuing Education

The West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner has changed its continuing education biennium for a resident producer from a set biennium ending on June 30 every two years to coincide with a producer’s license renewal/expiration date.  Depending upon when a producer was first licensed, this transition may be effective immediately or occur over a period of time, all being contingent upon a producer’s First Active Date.  For newly licensed producers this change will be immediately implemented.  For existing licenses, this change will be phased in.

         If a resident producer was licensed on or before June 30, 2011, he/she was required to be in compliance by the June 30, 2012 continuing education compliance date.  The producer will not be required to be in compliance by the expiration date currently on his/her license. The continuing education compliance end date will be at the second renewal after the end of the June 30, 2012 biennium.

        If a resident producer was licensed on or after July 1, 2011 he/she is required to be in compliance with CE by the expiration date currently on the license. 

Carry Over Credits          
Hours from the reporting period that ended 6-30-2012, that are in excess of 21 General credits and 3 Ethics credits (not to exceed a total of 6 hours), will be carried forward into the new reporting period and will be reflected on producer transcripts. The hours carried over will be categorized as CARRY OVER and will not be considered to be either General or Ethics. Producers will still be required to complete at least 3 hours of Ethics for the current biennium.

Producers are required to complete 24-hours of approved continuing education; a minimum of 3 hours must be courses approved in Ethics.  Producers who sell solely through telemarketing

Telemarketing (Affidavit) or pre-need (Affidavit) will be required for those that meet the requirement resulting in a reduction of the requirement to 6-hours of approved continuing education; a minimum of 3 hours must be courses approved in Ethics.  These producers must complete the required affidavit and submit directly to Prometric. Note: Only courses which are categorized for Ethics and appear on Prometric’s website will satisfy the ethics compliance requirement. Having “ethics” in the title or content of an approved CE course does not in itself assure that the course has been categorized for Ethics.

Training Requirements: Long Term Care & Annuity

Long-Term Care - All Resident/Non Resident Agents 
All active resident and nonresident producers that sell, solicit or negotiate Long-Term Care insurance must complete a one-time Long-Term Care training course of no less than eight hours immediately, prior to selling any Long-Term Care products. The Act requires that all Long-Term Care producers continue to receive ongoing training of no less than four hours in each mandatory continuing education biennium subsequent to the biennium in which the one-time training was completed. Long Term Care Rule:
Annuity - All Resident/Non Resident Agents 
All active resident and nonresident producers that sell, solicit or negotiate annuities must complete a one-time Annuity training course of no less than four (4) hours immediately, prior to selling annuity products.  Annuity Rule:

Resident producers can have their Long-Term Care and Annuity training course hours count towards their 24 hour CE requirement by selecting courses that are APPROVED and CATEGORIZED for Long-Term Care or Annuity credit by West Virginia’s CE plan administrator, Prometric. A listing of approved Long-Term Care and Annuity courses can be found at