Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
Allan L. McVey
Insurance Commissioner
COVID-19 Notice

The West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner has received several inquiries regarding the possible rescission or withdrawal of certain COVID-19-related emergency orders and insurance bulletins.  Please be advised that we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation on a daily basis and as soon as the everchanging situation allows for COVID-19-related restrictions, limitations or directives to be modified, rescinded or withdrawn, the appropriate action will be taken.  Updates concerning this and other COVID-19 matters will continue to be posted on our webpage and social media accounts.


Helpful Links

Governor Justice's Office  for current information on West Virginia.

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources  for current information on the Coroniavirus.

Workers' Compensation COVID-19 article from the National Council On Compensation Insurance (NCCI) and Frequently Asked Questions

OSHA's 10 Steps to Reduce Risk of Coronavirus Exposure in the Workplace

Consumer Site from National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) for resources and information to help protect consumers from scams and personal identity theft.

The American Cancer Society has the following resources to share:

Protecting Yourself from the Coronavirus - Information from the NAIC